Testimonials given by Bath Business Web and Trowbridge Business Web's customers describing the services we've provided to them. Our thanks go to them for allowing us to show these videos to you.
Video Controls
'Play/Pause'; 'View Library' to see thumbnails superimposed on the video being played.
'Volume Control'; 'Maximise' (to full screen); 'View Library'where the video currently playing is shrunk to allow the thumbnails to appear below it. (Click on the button which appears above the 'View Library' icon)
As you hover your mouse over each thumbnail, the person's name and company appear on the left. The thumbnails are in groups of 7; use the < and > arrows at each end to scroll backwards and forwards through our library of testimonials.
Testimonials given by Bath Business Web and Trowbridge Business Web's customers describing the services we've provided to them. Our thanks go to them for allowing us to show these videos to you.
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